SIGN UP FOR 2025 FSCPM Membership

Click here to Become a Member

Memberships run from January 1st through December 31st, regardless of when application fees are paid during the year, with the exception of new CPM graduates (see below.) Renewals fees made be paid as early as November 1st of the year.

Membership shall be held by individuals who meet the requirements below, have submitted a membership application, paid appropriate dues and are willing to support the Vision, Mission, and Goals of the FSCPM.

Grades of Membership shall be:

  1. Fellows – Any person who has obtained a valid certification as a Certified Public Manager (CPM) issued by a program accredited by the National Certified Public Manager Program Consortium shall be an eligible member and shall be entitled to vote in all elections and hold any elected or appointed office at the local and/or state level
  2. Associate Members – Any person who has completed at least one CPM level and who shares the goals of the FSCPM shall be eligible for associate membership in the FSCPM. Associate Members may vote for all regional chapter offices and state FSCPM offices. Associate Members may be appointed to chair standing and special committees at local and state levels but cannot hold elected offices at the state level without prior approval from the FSCPM Board.
  3. Honorary Fellows – A person may be elected to honorary membership by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. Honorary Fellows are eligible to vote in all local and state elections. Honorary Fellows may serve in an appointed or elected local office at the discretion of the chapter board of directors but must be a CPM to serve in an elected or appointed state-level position. Honorary Fellows are not required to pay FSCPM dues. CPM Adjunct Professors have been extended honorary memberships.
  4. Retired Fellows – A person who has obtain a valid certification as a Certified Public Manager (CPM) issued by a program accredited by the National Certified Public Manager Program Consortium and has retired from full time employment. Retired Fellows are entitled to vote in all elections and hold any elected or appointed office at the local and/or state level.

Provisions may be made by the Board of Directors for other classes of membership within the FSCPM.

Local Chapters are available for member participation and are located throughout the State of Florida.

Click Here to become a Member

Please remit fees electronically via PayPal.  No personal checks.
Checks will be accepted from government/business entities only.